Abby Fennelly

  • Policy Analyst
Abby Fennelly

Abby Fennelly supports risk assessment and adaptation response work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She is also preparing a policy brief about the potential of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to regulate a voluntary carbon market in the US. Her work is motivated by her belief in the importance of pursuing environmental justice as we fight climate change, and she wants to ensure that those who have contributed the least to historical global emissions do not continue to experience the harshest effects of climate change.

As a Campaigns Intern with Protect Our Winters (POW), Fennelly worked on a voter guide that covered candidates’ stances on climate change and climate action. She also produced a pledge asking candidates to commit to climate action should they be elected, and worked on voter education and candidate recruitment for Rural Electric Cooperatives throughout the Southwestern US. Fennelly also worked in development at the Farmlink Project, a student-run non-profit rescuing surplus produce from farms and transporting it to communities in need.

Fennelly first visited the Center with Harvard Professor Dr. Annikki Herranen-Tabibi’s class to learn about Arctic science. The class saw a presentation from Permafrost Pathways, inspiring Fennelly to get involved with Woodwell Climate’s work. She hopes to continue her career working on climate change on a daily basis, and enjoys skiing, reading, and drinking coffee.