George Perkins Marsh Society

George Perkins Marsh Known to many as America’s first environmentalist, George Perkins Marsh was a 19th-century scholar, diplomat, and naturalist. His book Man and Nature sparked the establishment of forest reserves and the national forest system. It is still widely considered a pivotal text in the founding of the conservationist and environmental movements. To express our sincere appreciation to those who commit to legacy gifts, Woodwell Climate offers lifetime membership in the George Perkins Marsh Society.

Benefits and privileges of membership

As a George Perkins Marsh Society member, you play an important role in securing the future of Woodwell Climate’s work toward a safe and stable climate for generations to come. All legacy gifts are directed to the Center’s endowment to support climate science research in perpetuity. Membership in the society includes these benefits:

  • Recognition as a member of the Society in our annual Impact Report
  • A dedicated staff liaison to assist you whenever needed
  • Periodic special communications from Woodwell Climate
  • Invitations to private events hosted by the Center

For many types of gifts, we require only a simple written statement of your commitment to initiate your George Perkins Marsh Society membership.

George Perkins Marsh Society Members

Dolores Arond
Daniel and Jessica Bellow
Sharon Bidwell
Stuart and Joanna Brown
Dennis Emory
Iris and Robert Fanger
Michael Fanger
Tom and Ginny Gregg
Peter and Karen Hargraves
Stuart Harris and Malinda Polk
Eloise Hodges
Max and Gabby Holmes
David Hoover and Carol Swenson
Richard (Skee) and Susan Houghton
J. Atwood and Elizabeth Ives
Floyd Judd*
Frank and Judith Kauffman
Kathy Postel Kretman
Carl and Joanne Leaman
Victoria Lowell
Mary Lou and Charlie Montgomery
Elizabeth Moore
Joe and Eileen Mueller
Georgia and John Nassikas
Mark Obrinsky
Joan Person
William* and Rosemary Pisano
Connie and Ted Roosevelt
David and Edith Ross
Jennifer Stamp and Tom Anderson
Genie Stevens
George* and Katharine Woodwell


* in memoriam 2024