Dani Trangmoe B.A.

  • Research Assistant
Dani Trangmoe
Research area Contact

Dani Trangmoe supports Permafrost Pathways, processing data and installing and maintaining equipment in the Arctic to monitor carbon and methane fluxes from arctic permafrost. Her work contributes to improving climate models and predictions of Arctic conditions, which help inform Arctic communities’ climate adaptation decisions.

Trangmoe graduated from the University of Arizona with a bachelor’s degree in ecology and a minor in mathematics. She researched soil biogeochemistry at their Biosphere 2 facility’s Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO), and aims to continue her studies by pursuing a graduate degree in earth science.

Trangmoe grew up in Montana spending lots of time outdoors, and enjoys hiking, photography, and traveling.


A severely eroding hillside sloughs land towards the water due to permafrost thaw

Permafrost Pathways

Connecting science, people, and policy for Arctic justice and global climate.