Kelcy Kent Ph.D.

  • Postdoctoral Researcher
Kelsey Kent
Research area Contact

Dr. Kelcy Kent monitors and tracks carbon gas emissions from northern Arctic ecosystems in Alaska and Canada, improving data collection in these dynamic and vital carbon stock regions of the globe. These data will help improve understanding of Arctic emissions, and inform policies to mitigate and prepare for the changes brought on by climate warming.

Dr. Kent has expertise in molecular ecology and the characteristics of shifting Arctic landscapes, including coastal marine environments and ice-wedge degradation in northern Alaska tundra ecosystems. As an undergraduate, she digitized and tracked shrub encroachment into tundra ecosystems, getting her first exposure to the rapid landscape changes happening in the northern Arctic. While serving as a Teaching Assistant during her M.S., she fell in love with the Arctic tundra’s enigmatic, polygonal patterned landscapes and the interesting ecosystem dynamics they create. For her Ph.D., Dr. Kent worked with advisor Howard Epstein on a new project exploring biogeophysical and biogeochemical characteristics of ice-wedge landscapes in northern Alaska.

These experiences and other collaborations have left Dr. Kent with an ever-growing curiosity. Through her research, she hopes to contribute pieces of understanding to the complex puzzle of how global ecosystems function, and how this is changing with a rapidly changing planet. Dr. Kent views learning more about the oceans and Arctic poles as the key to meaningful progress toward mitigating climate change, and is excited to pursue a better future through scientific exploration, collaboration, determination, and passion.

Dr. Kent has dedicated many hours to teaching students and leading field trips spanning the fields of geology, ecology, marine biology, and conservation. She enjoys helping her lab mates in the field, hiking, reading sci-fi novels, and painting. Dr. Kent is also half German and grew up speaking the language.