Trevor Smith B.S.

  • Scientific Computing Lead
Trevor Smith
Research area Contact

Trevor Smith is a data scientist who works to make back-end processes as effective and efficient as possible to support Woodwell scientists in their research and policy impacts. He strives to be a resource for scientists and policymakers—scaling and simplifying processes in the cloud, creating scripts to automate data-intensive jobs, and maintaining technical workflows.

Smith believes that a diverse set of skills are necessary to improve humanity’s understanding of climate change and is excited to contribute his expertise in statistical programming languages, databases, data processing, product management, and technical writing. In his previous position, Smith developed a new financial technology product that provides machine-readable portions of public filings to make Natural Language Processing against the dataset easier for users. The product is now patent pending.

Smith grew up within walking distance from the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Northeast Ohio. His experiences there taught him about the fragility of the natural world, human impact on the environment, and how preserving the natural world benefits both individuals and society. 

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in data analytics from Ohio State University. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking new recipes, hiking, reading, intramural sports, and is eager to try kayaking on Cape Cod.