Brooke Woods A.A.

  • Climate Adaptation Specialist
Brooke Woods
Research area Contact

Brooke Woods develops strategies for engaging policymakers and Indigenous communities with Permafrost Pathways. She works closely with science staff, communications experts, project partners, Indigenous community members, and policymakers to facilitate the development of just, science-backed, Arctic policy.

Woods is completing a Bachelor of Arts in Tribal Governance of Fisheries at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), and she received a Tribal Governance Associate of Applied Science degree in the spring of 2017.

Woods is currently Executive Chair for the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and works with tribes along the Yukon River to promote conservation and restoration of the river’s fisheries in a way that protects traditional ways of life and well-being. She also supports the University of Alaska Fairbanks in their Indigenizing Salmon Management project, which aims to use the wisdom of Indigenous knowledge to improve existing salmon systems.

Previously, Woods worked at the Tanana Chiefs Conference as the Fisheries Policy Analyst and Outreach Coordinator. As a member of the TCC’s Hunting, Fishing, Gathering Task Force, she participated in advocacy efforts to protect Alaska Native Hunting and Fishing rights.

Woods has participated in a variety of community and scientific projects working to improve the well-being of Indigenous Alaskan communities as well as the health of natural ecosystems. Over the course of her life and career, she has seen Arctic communities experience rapid and unpredictable changes to traditional territories, water, animals, and fish as a result of climate change.


A severely eroding hillside sloughs land towards the water due to permafrost thaw

Permafrost Pathways

Connecting science, people, and policy for Arctic justice and global climate.

Selected Publications

A holistic definition of healthy traditional harvest practices for rural Indigenous communities in Interior Alaska

Heeringa, K.M., O. Huntington, B. Woods, F.S.Chapin III, R.E. Hum, T.J. Brinkman & Workshop Participants (2019). Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.


Human-salmon relationships in Alaska: Understanding deep connections and fractures through time

Carothers, C., J. Black, S. Langdon, R. Donkersloot, D. Ringer, J. Coleman, E. Gavenus, W. Justin, F. Christiansen, M. Williams, C. Stevens, B. Woods, J. Clark, P. M. Clay, L. Mack, J. Raymond-Yakoubian, A. Akalleq Sanders, B. Stevens, A. Whiting (2020). Ecology and Society.
