Dominick Dusseau M.A.

  • Research Associate
Dom Dusseau
Research area Contact

I analyze data from climate models to provide actionable physical climate risk information to decision makers, and I am currently focused on flood risk. To project how future floods will impact cities, I combined a riverine flood model with a stormwater model to dynamically simulate urban flooding. I also created DiluviumDEM, a new global coastal digital elevation model, to estimate sea level rise inundation risk.

I hold a B.A. in mathematics and physics from the University of Virginia and a M.A. in climate and society from Columbia University. I enjoy surfing and swimming when not at the office.

Selected Publications

DiluviumDEM: Enhanced accuracy in global coastal digital elevation models

Dusseau, D., Z. Zobel, & C.R. Schwalm. (2023). Remote Sensing of Environment.


DiluviumDEM: Enhanced accuracy in global coastal digital elevation models

Dusseau, D., Z. Zobel, & C.R. Schwalm. (2023). Remote Sensing of Environment.
