Ludmila Rattis Ph.D.

  • Assistant Scientist, Tanguro Field Station General Coordinator
Ludmila Rattis

Dr. Ludmila Rattis studies how tropical biodiversity and food production can be balanced in a changing world. Working jointly between Woodwell Climate Research Center and our sister organization IPAM Amazônia, she studies the Amazon rainforest and the Cerrado region, both of which are dynamic biomes experiencing deforestation. Motivated by her love for the diversity of the Amazon and the Cerrado, Dr. Rattis is the General Coordinator of the Tanguro Field Station and works on the Brazilian agricultural frontier to understand the limits of agricultural intensification and the impact of deforestation on ecosystem services.

Dr. Ludmila Rattis speaks with a farmer leaning on a tractor.

left: Analyzing bark thickness in the Brazilian Cerrado.

photo by Alessandro Kelvin

right: A fire experiment at the Tanguro ranch research station in the Brazilian Amazon.

photo by Paulo Brando

Dr. Rattis completed her Ph.D. in ecology and developed a focus on landscape ecology. She spent a year and a half working at the Tanguro Field Station in an area in Brazil known as the arc of deforestation, after which she spent 18 months working at Woodwell’s campus. Since returning to Brazil in 2018, Dr. Rattis has worked to raise funding and engage relevant stakeholders—such as those in the financial sector, agricultural producers, and banks—to support more research on the limits to agricultural intensification.

She was named one of Nexo Journal’s “Ten Brazilian Scientists You Must Know” in 2019 and received the Marcio Ayres award for the best scientific paper published by a young scientist in Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation between 2016-2018. She is also one of the finalists of the ScientistA award, recognizing distinguished Brazilian female scientists working in the US. In 2023, Dr. Rattis presented a TED Talk about nature-based solutions. She co-advises one master’s student and supports two postdocs working at IPAM and Woodwell Climate. Dr. Rattis is also writing a book about agriculture and sustainability in Brazil.

Outside of her research, Dr. Rattis loves to cook, grow vegetables, and practice outdoor sports.

We study how changes in climate and land use impact people's lives. This science only makes sense if it starts and ends on the ground, talking to the people, who are part of both the problem and the solution.


Two human figures darkly silhouetted against an orange sunset

Woodwell Climate @ Tanguro Field Station

Probing tropical ecosystem dynamics at the world’s largest agricultural frontier
an aerial photo of a small patch of forest surrounded by green and brown farm fields

Global Assessment from Local Observations (GALO)

Advancing sustainable agriculture in the Tropics with field sampling and modeling insights

Selected Publications

Amazon wildfires: Scenes from a foreseeable disaster

Brando P., M. Macedo, D. Silvério, L. Rattis, L. Paolucci, A. Alencar, M. Coe, and C. Amorim (2020). Flora.


Droughts, Wildfires, and Forest Carbon Stocks: A Pantropical Synthesis

Brando P.M., L. Paolucci, E. Ordway, C. Ummenhofer, H. Hartmann, M. Cattau, L. Rattis, V. Medjibe, M.T. Coe, and J. Balch (2019). Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences.


Lowland tapirs facilitate seed dispersal in degraded Amazonian forests

Paolucci, L. N., R. L. Pereira, L. Rattis, D. V. Silvério, N. C. S. Marques, M. N. Macedo, and P. M. Brando (2019). Biotropica.
