Marly Bartkus B.S.

  • Research Assistant
Marlena Bartkus
Research area Contact

Marly Bartkus provides biogeochemical analysis to research projects in the Arctic, Northern wetlands, and the Tropics. They are also contributing to a literature review that aims to compile research into a database on permafrost warming, and previously assisted with soil carbon research to explore the impact of cover crops.

Bartkus gained their expertise in biochemistry, microbial ecology, and bryology (the study of mosses and lichens) through various academic experiences. As an undergraduate, she was part of a research team investigating novel antibiotic resistance in colonies of microorganisms isolated from soil. This sparked Bartkus’ interest in soil conditioning and the dynamics of soil microbial communities, and inspired their senior project on bokashi composting, which uses microbes to ferment compost without oxygen. After graduating, she joined a biochemistry and cell biology lab at Dartmouth College, investigating metabolic differences in cancers.

Bartkus’ appreciation for the environment was nurtured by their childhood habit of running around barefoot in the woods of New England. She is intrigued by the dynamics of nutrient cycling in ecosystems, and the factors that dictate these patterns. Their passion for dirt and chemistry is both professional and personal—Bartkus enjoys exploring ceramic art in their free time.