Staff Publications: 2000 – 2004

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(* indicates publication is in Portuguese, ** indicates French)

2004   |   2003   |   2002   |   2001   |   2000



Alencar, A.A.C., L. Solórzano, and D.C. Nepstad. 2004. Modeling forest understory fires in an eastern Amazonian landscape. Ecological Applications 14(4):S139-S149.

Almeida, O., K. Lorenzen, and D. McGrath. 2004. The commercial fishing sector in the regional economy of the Brazilian Amazon. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries, Vol II. Ed. R. Welcome and T. Petr, 15-24. FAO and Mekong River Commission.

Asner, G.P., D. Nepstad, G. Cardinot, and D. Ray. 2004. Drought stress and carbon uptake in an Amazon forest measured with spaceborne imaging spectroscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(16):6039-6044.

Asner, G.P., R.S. DeFries, and R.A. Houghton. 2004. Typological responses of ecosystems to land use change. In Ecosystems and Land Use Change, ed. R.S. DeFries, G.P. Asner, and R.A. Houghton, 337-344. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.

Bowden, R.D., E.A. Davidson, K.E. Savage, C. Arabia, and P. Steudler. 2004. Chronic nitrogen additions reduce total soil respiration and microbial respiration in temperate forest soils at the Harvard Forest. Forest Ecology and Management 196(1):43-56.

Cao M., S.D. Prince, J. Small, and S.J. Goetz. 2004. Satellite remotely sensed interannual variability in terrestrial net primary productivity from 1980 to 2000. Ecosystems 7:233-242.

Carvalho, G., P. Moutinho, D. Nepstad, L. Mattos, and M. Santilli. 2004. An Amazon perspective on the forest-climate connection: opportunity for climate mitigation, conservation and development? Environment, Development and Sustainability 6:163-174.

Claggett, P.R., C.A. Jantz, S.J. Goetz, and C. Bisland. 2004. Assessing development pressure in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: An evaluation of two land-use change models. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 94(1-3):129-146.

Coops, N.C., J.D. White, and N.A. Scott. 2004. Estimating fragmentation effects on simulated forest net primary productivity derived from satellite imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing 20:819-838.

Czajkowski, K.P., S.N. Goward, T. Mulhern, S.J. Goetz, A. Walz, D. Shirey, S. Stadler, S.D. Prince, and R.O. Dubayah. 2004. Recovery of environmental variables from thermal remote sensing. In Thermal Remote Sensing in Land Surface Processes, ed. J. Luvall and D. Quattrochi, 11-32. CRC Press, Chelsea, MI.

Davidson, E.A., and P. Artaxo. 2004. Globally significant changes in biological processes of the Amazon Basin: results of the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment. Global Change Biology 10(5):519-529.

Davidson, E.A., C.J.R. de Carvalho, I.C.G. Vieira, R.O. Figueiredo, P. Moutinho, F.Y. Ishida, M.T.P. dos Santos, J.B. Guerrero, K. Kalif, and R.T. Sabá. 2004. Nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of biomass growth in a tropical secondary forest. Ecological Applications 14:S150-S163.

Davidson, E.A, F.Y. Ishida, and D.C. Nepstad. 2004.Effects of an experimental drought on soil emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and nitric oxide in a moist tropical forest. Global Change Biology 10(5):718-730.

Davidson, E.A., C. Neill, A.V. Krusche, V.V.R. Ballester, D. Markewitz, and R.O. Figueiredo. 2004. Loss of Nutrients from Terrestrial Ecosystems to Streams and the Atmosphere following Land Use Change in Amazonia. In Ecosystems and Land Use Change, ed. R.S. DeFries, G.P. Asner, and R.A. Houghton, 147-158. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.

DeFries, R.S., G.P. Asner, and R.A. Houghton. 2004. Trade-offs in land-use decisions: Towards a framework for assessing multiple ecosystem responses to land-use change. In Ecosystems and Land Use Change, ed. R.S. DeFries, G.P. Asner, and R.A. Houghton, 1-9. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.

DeFries, R., G. Asner, and R. Houghton, eds. 2004. Ecosystems and Land Use Change. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.

Dougherty, M., R.L. Dymond, S.J. Goetz, C.A. Jantz, and N. Goulet. 2004. Evaluation of impervious surface estimates in a rapidly urbanizing watershed. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 70(11):1275-1284.

Elvidge, C., P.C. Sutton, T.W. Wagner, J.E. Vogelmann, S.J. Goetz , A.J. Smith, C. Jantz, K.C. Seto, M.L. Imhoff, Y.Q. Wang, C. Milesi, and R. Nemani. 2004. Urbanization. In Land Change Science: Observation, Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth’s Surface, ed. G. Gutman. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Gallagher, K.S., and J.P. Holdren. 2004. U.S. Government Policies Relating to International Cooperation on Energy. In Compilation of Commission Research Technical Appendix. Ch. 6, Developing Better Energy Technologies for the Future. Washington, DC, December.

Gallagher, K.S., R. Frosch, and J.P. Holdren. 2004. Management of Energy-Technology-Innovation Activities at the Department of Energy. In Compilation of Commission Research Technical Appendix . Ch. 6, Developing Better Energy Technologies for the Future. Washington, DC, December.

Gallagher, K.S., A. Sagar, D. Segal, P. deSa, and J.P. Holdren. 2004. DOE Budget Authority for Energy, Research, Development, and Demonstration Database. In Compilation of Commission Research Technical Appendix. Ch. 6, Developing Better Energy Technologies for the Future. National Commission on Energy Policy, Washington, DC, December.

Gamon, J.A., K.F. Huemmrich, D.R. Peddle, J. Chen, D. Fuentes, F.G. Hall, J.S. Kimball, S. Goetz, J. Gu, and K.C. McDonald. 2004. Remote sensing in BOREAS: Lessons learned. Remote Sensing of Environment 89(2):139-162.

Goetz, S.J., C.A. Jantz, S.D. Prince, A.J. Smith, D. Varlyguin, and R.K. Wright. 2004. Integrated analysis of ecosystem interactions with land use change: the Chesapeake Bay watershed. In Ecosystems and Land Use Change, ed. R.S. DeFries, G.P. Asner, and R.A. Houghton, 263-275. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.

Goetz, S.J., D. Varlyguin, A.J. Smith, R.K. Wright, S.D. Prince, M.E. Mazzacato, J. Tringe, C. Jantz, and B. Melchoir. 2004.Application of multitemporal Landsat data to map and monitor land cover and land use change in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.In Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images, ed. P. Smits and L. Bruzzone, 223-232. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore.

Hirsch, A.I., W.S. Little, R.A. Houghton, N.A. Scott, and J.D. White. 2004. The net carbon flux due to deforestation and forest re-growth in the Brazilian Amazon: analysis using a process-based model. Global Change Biology 10(5):908-924.

Holdren, J.P. 2004. Meeting the Energy-Climate Challenge. Lecture for Carnegie Institution’s “Capitol Science Evenings.” Cambridge, MA: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. 11 March.

Holdren, J.P., W.K. Reilly, J.W. Rowe, et al. 2004. Ending the Energy Stalemate: A Bipartisan Strategy to Meet America’s Energy Challenges. Report of the National Commission on Energy Policy, Washington, DC, December.

Hollinger, D.Y., J. Aber, B. Dail, E.A. Davidson, S.M. Goltz, H. Hughes, M.Y. Leclerc, J.T. Lee, A.D. Richardson, C. Rodrigues, N.A. Scott, D. Achuatavarier, and J. Walsh. 2004. Spatial and temporal variability in forest-atmosphere CO2 exchange. Global Change Biology 10:1689-1706.

Houghton, R.A., and C.L. Goodale. 2004.Effects of Land-Use Change on the Carbon Balance of Terrestrial Ecosystems. In Ecosystems and Land Use Change, ed. R.S. DeFries, G.P. Asner, and R.A. Houghton, 85-98. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.

Houghton, R.A., F. Joos, and G.P. Asner. 2004. The effects of land use and management on the global carbon cycle. In Land Change Science: Observation, Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth’s Surface, ed. G. Gutman, 237-256. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Hyer, E., and S.J. Goetz. 2004. Comparison and sensitivity analysis of instruments and radiometric methods for LAI estimation: assessments from a boreal forest site. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 122(3/4):157-174.

Kasischke, E.S., S.J. Goetz, M. Hansen, M. Ozdogan, J. Rogan, S.L. Ustin, and C.E. Woodcock. 2004. Temperate and Boreal Forests. In Remote Sensing for Natural Resource Management and Environmental Monitoring, ed. S.L. Ustin, 147-238. John Wiley & Sons and American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Hoboken, NJ.

Keller, M., M.A. Silva-Dias, D.C. Nepstad, and M.O. Andreae. 2004. The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia: Analyzing regional land use change effects. In Ecosystems and Land Use Change, ed. R.S. DeFries, G.P. Asner, and R.A. Houghton, 321-334. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.

Laporte N.T., and T.S. Lin. 2004. Assessing land cover and rates of change for carbon studies in the Republic of Congo using Landsat imagery. Technical Report, Winrock International, June.

Laporte N.T., and T.S. Lin. 2004. Assessing land cover for carbon studies in the forest reserves of the Republic of Guinea using Landsat imagery. Technical Report, Winrock International, October.

Laporte, N.T, T.S. Lin, J. LeMoigne, D. Devers, and M. Honzak. 2004. Towards an operational forest monitoring system for Central Africa. In Land Change Science: Observing, Monitoring and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth’s Surface, ed. G. Gutman, 97-110. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Markewitz, D., E.A. Davidson, P. Moutinho, and D.C. Nepstad. 2004. Nutrient loss and redistribution after forest clearing on a highly weathered soil in Amazonia. Ecological Applications 14(4):S177-S199.

McCauley, S., and S.J. Goetz. 2004. Mapping residential density patterns using multi-temporal Landsat imagery and a decision-tree classifier. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25(6):1077-1094.

McGrath, D.G. 2004. Regatão and Caboclo: itinerant traders and smallholder resistance in the Brazilian Amazon. In Some Other Amazonians: Perspectives on Modern Amazonia. Ed. S. Nugent and M. Harris, 178-192. Brookings Institution Press, London.

McGrath, D.G., A. Cardoso, and E.P. Sá. 2004. Community fisheries and co-management on the lower Amazon floodplain. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries , Vol. II. Ed. R. Welcome and T. Petr, 207-222. FAO and Mekong River Commission.

McGrath, D.G., C.M. Peters, and A.J.M. Bentes. 2004. Community forestry for small-scale furniture production in the Brazilian Amazon. In Working forests in the Neotropics: Conservation Through Sustainable Management? D. Zarin, J.R.R. Alavalapati, F.E. Putz, and M. Schmink, 200-220. Columbia University Press, New York.

Merry, F.D., P.A. Sheikh, and D.G. McGrath. 2004.The role of informal contracts in the growth of small cattle herds on the floodplains of the Lower Amazon. Agriculture and Human Values 21(4)377-386.

Nepstad, D., C. Azevedo-Ramos, E. Lima, D. McGrath, C. Pereira, and F. Merry. 2004. Managing the Amazon timber industry. Conservation Biology 18(2):575-577.

Nepstad, D., P. Lefebvre, U. Lopes da Silva, J. Tomasella, P. Schlesinger, L. Solórzano, P. Moutinho, D. Ray, and J. Guerreira Benito. 2004. Amazon drought and its implications for forest flammability and tree growth: a basin-wide analysis. Global Change Biology 10(5):704-717.

Restom, T.G., and D.C. Nepstad. 2004. Seedling growth dynamics of a deeply rooting liana in a secondary forest in eastern Amazonia. Forest Ecology and Management 190:109-118.

Salimon, C.I., E.A. Davidson, R.L. Victoria, and A.W.F. Melo. 2004. CO2 flux from soil in pastures and forests in southwestern Amazonia. Global Change Biology 10:833-843.

Scott, N.A., C.A. Rodrigues, H. Hughes, J.T. Lee, E.A. Davidson, D.B. Dail, P. Malerba, and D.Y. Hollinger. 2004. Changes in carbon storage and net carbon exchange one year after an initial shelterwood harvest at Howland Forest, ME. Environmental Management 33S1:S9-S22.

Soares-Filho, B., A. Alencar, D. Nepstad, G. Cerqueira, M del C. Vera Diaz, S. Rivero, L. Solórzano, and E. Voll. 2004. Simulating the response of land-cover changes to road paving and governance along a major Amazon highway: the Santarém-Cuiabá corridor. Global Change Biology 10(5)745.

Standish, R.J., P.A. Williams, A.W. Robertson, N.A. Scott, and D.I. Hedderley. 2004. Invasion by a perennial herb increases decomposition rate and alters nutrient availability in warm temperate lowland forest remnants. Biological Invasions 6:71-81.

Tate, K.R., R.H. Wilde, D.J. Giltrap, W.T. Baisden, S. Saggar, N.A. Trustrum, and N.A. Scott. 2004. Soil carbon changes and uncertainties with New Zealand land-use change. Proceedings of the joint New Zealand-Australia Soil Science Society Meeting, December 2004. Sydney, Australia.

Tatem, A.J., S.J. Goetz, and S.I. Hay. 2004. TERRA and AQUA: new data for epidemiology and public health. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 6:33-46.

Trotter, C.M., K.R. Tate, G.M.J. Hall, I.J. Payton, N.A. Scott, and R.H. Wilde. 2004. Carbon inventory and its potential application to CDM projects: the New Zealand experience. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Forests and Climate Change: Carbon Sequestration and the Clean Development Mechanism, 28-47. Manila, Philippines, Sept. 2003.

Whitehead, D., A.S. Walcroft, N.A. Scott, J.A. Townsend, C.M. Trotter, and G.N.D. Rogers. 2004. Characteristics of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in the shrubland species manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) and kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) for the estimation of annual canopy carbon uptake. Tree Physiology 24:795-804.

Woods Hole Research Center. 2004. Annual Report 2004. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Research Center.

Woods Hole Research Center. 2004. Annual Report 2003. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Research Center.

Woods Hole Research Center. 2004. Restoring Scientific Integrity in Policymaking: A panel discussion. 12 April. CD-ROM.

Woodwell, G.M. 2004. Cape Wind vs. Brayton Point. Op-ed. The Providence Journal. 16 December.

Woodwell, G.M. 2004. Disruption: Climatic and Political. Henry Kendall Lecture, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 8 April.

Woodwell, G.M. 2004. Letter to editor. The Haitian Times. 10 March.

Woodwell, G.M. 2004. Letter to editor. The Boston Globe. 6 June.

Woodwell, G.M. 2004. Letter to editor. The New York Times. 30 July.

Woodwell, G.M. 2004. Mountains: Top down. Ambio Special Report 13:35-38.

Woodwell, G.M. 2004. War and Peace 2004: The impending threat of nuclear war. Speech given at Nuclear Policy Research Institute (NPRI) Symposium, New York, 21 Jan.

Woodwell, G.M., and K. Ramakrishna. 2004. World Bank undermines efforts on global warming. Op-ed. The Boston Globe. 11 August.

Yoffe, S., G. Fiske, M. Giordano, M. Giordano, K. Larson, K. Stahl, and A.T. Wolf. 2004. Geography of international water conflict and cooperation: data sets and applications. Water Resources Research 40, WO5SO4, doi:10.1.29/2003WR002530.



Almeida, O., K. Lorenzen, and D. McGrath. 2003. Commercial fishing in the Brazilian Amazon: regional differentiation in fleet characteristics and efficiency. Fisheries Management and Ecology 10:109-115.

Angert, A., E. Barkan, B. Barnett, E. Brugnoli, E.A. Davidson, J. Fessenden, S. Maneepong, N. Panapitukkul, J.T. Randerson, K. Savage, D. Yakir, and B. Luz. 2003. Contribution of soil respiration in tropical, temperate, and boreal forests to the 18 O enrichment of atmospheric O 2. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17(3)1089.

Bergen, K.M., S.G. Conard, R.A. Houghton, E.S. Kasischke, V.I. Kharuk, O.N. Krankina, K.J. Ranson, H.H. Shugart, A.I. Sukhinen, and R.F. Treyfeld. 2003. NASA and Russian scientists observe land-cover and land-use change and carbon in Russian forests. Journal of Forestry 101:34-41.

Borken, W., E.A. Davidson, K. Savage, J. Gaudinski, and S.E. Trumbore. 2003. Drying and wetting effects on carbon dioxide release from organic horizons. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67:1888-1896.

Bunn, M., S. Fetter, J.P. Holdren, and B. van der Zwaan. 2003. The Economics of Reprocessing vs. Direct Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel. Report DE-FG26-99FT4028, Project on Managing the Atom , Harvard University, December.

Carvalho, G., P. Moutinho, D. Nepstad, L. Mattos, and M. Santilli. 2003. An Amazon Perspective on the Forest-Climate Connection: Opportunity for Climate Mitigation, Conservation and Development? Environment, Development and Sustainability 6(1-2):163-174.

Castro, F., and D. McGrath. 2003. Moving towards sustainability in the local management of floodplain lake fisheries in the Brazilian Amazon. Human Organization 62(2):123-133.

Chan, J.C-W., N. Laporte, and R. Defries. 2003. Texture classification of logging in tropical Africa using machine learning algorithms. International Journal of Remote Sensing 24(6):1401-1407.

Davidson, E. A., J. Chorover, and D.B. Dail. 2003. A mechanism for abiotic nitrate immobilization in forest soils: the ferrous wheel hypothesis. Global Change Biology 9:228-236.

Deutch, J., E.J. Moniz, S. Ansolobehere, M. Driscoll, P.E. Gray, J.P. Holdren, P.L. Joskow, R.K. Lester, N.E. Todreas, and E.S. Beckjord. 2003. The Future of Nuclear Power. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Goetz, S.J., A.J. Smith, C. Jantz, R.K. Wright, M.E. Mazzacato, and B. Melchoir. 2003. Monitoring and predicting urban land use change: applications of multi-resolution multi-temporal satellite data. 2003 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 1567-1569. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Toulouse, France.

Goetz , S.J., R. Wright, A.J. Smith, E. Zinecker, and E. Schaub. 2003. Ikonos imagery for resource management: tree cover, impervious surfaces and riparian buffer analyses in the mid-Atlantic region. Remote Sensing of Environment 88:195-208.

Goodale, C.L., J.D. Aber, and P.M. Vitousek. 2003. An unexpected nitrate decline in New Hampshire streams. Ecosystems 6:75-86. (244K).

Hackler, J., and M. Ernst. 2003. Living a Sustainable Mission. Environmental Design + Construction. November.

Halliday, J.C., K.R. Tate, R.E. McMurtrie, and N.A. Scott. 2003. Mechanisms for changes in soil carbon storage with pasture to Pinus radiata land-use change. Global Change Biology 9(9)1294-1308.

Hirsch, D., and Woodwell, G.M. 2003. Nuclear hydrogen-Lighter side of the energy bill. Opinion. San Francisco Chronicle 10 Dec.

Holdren, J.P. 2003. Environmental Change and the Human Condition. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fall:24-31.

Holdren, J.P. 2003. The Quest for Affordable Energy. Review of Power to the People. Scientific American December.

Holdren, J.P. 2003. Risks from Global Climate Change: What Do We Know, What Should We Do? Presentation, Institutional Investors’ Summit on Climate Risk, United Nations, New York. 21 November.

Holdren, J.P. 2003. U.S. Climate Policy Post Kyoto. In The Convergence of U.S. National Security and the Global Environment. The Aspen Institute Congressional Program 18(3):7-24.

Holdren, J.P., W.K. Reilly, J.W. Rowe, P.R. Sharp, and J. Grumet. 2003. Increasing U.S. Natural Gas Supplies: Discussion Paper and Recommendations from the National Commission on Energy Policy.   National Commission on Energy Policy, Washington, DC. October.

Holdren, J.P., W.K. Reilly, J.W. Rowe, P.R. Sharp, and J. Grumet. 2003. Reviving the Electricity Sector: Findings of the National Commission on Energy Policy.  National Commission on Energy Policy. Washington, DC. August.

Houghton, R.A. 2003. Revised estimates of the annual net flux of carbon to the atmosphere from changes in land use and land management 1850-2000. Tellus 55B(2):378-390.

Houghton, R.A. 2003. The contemporary carbon cycle. In Treatise on Geochemistry , ed. H.D. Holland and K.K. Turekian, vol. 8: Biogeochemistry , ed. W. Schlesinger, 473-513 . Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.

Houghton, R.A. 2003. Why are estimates of the terrestrial carbon balance so different? Global Change Biology 9(4)500-509.

Houghton, R.A., and J.L. Hackler. 2003. Sources and sinks of carbon from land-use change in China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17(2).

House, J.I., I.C. Prentice, N. Ramankutty, R.A. Houghton, and M. Heimann. 2003. Reconciling apparent inconsistencies in estimates of terrestrial CO2 sources and sinks. Tellus 55B:345-363.

Jantz, C.A., S.J., Goetz, and M.K., Shelley. 2003. Using the SLEUTH urban growth model to simulate the impacts of future policy scenarios on urban land use in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area. Environment and Planning (B)31:251-271.

**Laporte, N. 2003. Utilisation de la télédétection pour la gestion des écosystèmes forestiers du Nord Congo: Cas des UFA Kabo, Pokola et Loundoungou. Rapport Technique au Wildlife Conservation Society, New York.

Laporte N.T., and T.S. Lin. 2003. Monitoring logging in the tropical forest of Republic of Congo with Landsat imagery. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 2003, Toulouse, France. Ref # 8.1812- INT-A17. Français Version.

Merry, F.D., G.S. Amacher, E. Lima, D.C. Nepstad, A. Veríssimo, and M.A. Cochrane. 2003. A Risky Forest Policy in the Amazon? Science 299:1843.

Merry, F.D., G.S. Amacher, B. Pokorny, E. Lima, I. Scholz, D.C. Nepstad, and J.C. Zweede. 2003. Some doubts about timber concessions in the Brazilian national forests. Tropical Forestry Update 13:21.

Moutinho, P., D.C. Nepstad, and E.A. Davidson. 2003. Influence of leaf-cutting ant nests on secondary forest growth and soil properties in Amazonia. Ecology 84(5)1265-1276.

Ollinger, S., O. Sala, G.I. Agren, B. Berg, E. Davidson, C.B. Field, M.T. Lerdau, J. Neff, M. Scholes, and R. Sterner. 2003. New frontiers in the study of element interactions. In: Interactions of the Major Biogeochemical Cycles , ed. J.M. Melillo, C.B. Field, and B. Moldan. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 63-92.

Parfitt, R.L., N.A. Scott, D.J. Ross, G.J. Salt, and K.R. Tate. 2003. Land-use effects on soil C and N transformation in soil of high N status: comparisons under indigenous forest, pine plantation and pasture. Biogeochemistry 66:203-221.

Plumptre, A.J., N. Laporte, and D. Devers. 2003. Threats to sites. In The Biodiversity of the Albertine Rift, ed. A.J. Plumptre, M. Behangana, T. Davenport, et al. Albertine Rift Technical Reports No. 3(9):77-82.

Ramakrishna, K. 2003. Citizen participation and developing country agendas. In Public Participation in Sustainability Science, ed. B. Kasemir, J. Jäger, C.C. Jaeger, and M.T. Gardner. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 228-238.

Ramakrishna, K., ed. 2003. Science in a Crowded World: A symposium to celebrate the dedication of WHRC’s Ordway Campus . Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Research Center.

Ramakrishna, K., and L. Jacobsen, eds. 2003. Action Versus Words: Implementation of the UNFCCC by Select Developing Countries, Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Korea, Senegal, South Africa. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Research Center.

Santilli, M., P. Moutinho, S. Schwartzman, D. Nepstad, L. Curran, and C. Nobre. 2003. Tropical deforestation and the Kyoto Protocol: a new proposal. Presented at COP-9. 1-12 December. Milan.

Savage, K.E., and E.A. Davidson. 2003. A comparison of manual and automated systems for soil CO2 flux measurements: trade-offs between spatial and temporal resolution. Journal of Experimental Botany 54(384):891-899.

Small, J., S.J. Goetz, and S.I. Hay. 2003. Climatic suitability for malaria transmission in Africa, 1911-1995. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100(26):15341-15345.

Tate, K.R., J.P. Barton, N.A. Trustrum, W.T. Baisden, S. Saggar, R.H. Wilde, D.J. Giltrap, and N.A. Scott. 2003. Monitoring and modeling soil organic carbon stocks and flows in New Zealand. In Soil Organic Carbon and Agriculture: Developing Indicators for Policy Analysis , ed. C.A. Scott-Smith, 253-268. Proceedings of an OECD Expert Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, October 2002. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris.

Tate, K.R., N.A. Scott, S. Saggar, D.J. Giltrap, W.T. Baisden, P.F. Newsome, C.M. Trotter, and R.H. Wilde. 2003. Land-use change alters New Zealand’s terrestrial carbon budget: uncertainties associated with estimates of soil carbon change between 1990-2000. Tellus B55(2)364-377.

Thenkabail, P.S., J. Hall, T. Lin, M.S. Ashton, D. Harris, and E.A. Enclona. 2003. Detecting floristic structure and pattern across topographic and moisture gradients in a mixed species Central African forest using IKONOS and Landsat-7 ETM+ images. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 4:255-270.

Verchot, L.V., P.R. Moutinho, and E.A. Davidson. 2003. Leaf-cutting and (Atta Sexdens) and nutrient cycling: deep soil inorganic nitrogen stocks, mineralization, and nitrification in Eastern Amazonia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35:1219-1222.

Vieira, I.C.G., A.S de Almeida, E.A. Davidson, T.A. Stone, C.J. Reis de Carvalho, and J.B. Guerrero. 2003. Classifying successional forests using Landsat spectral properties and ecological characteristics in eastern Amazônia. Remote Sensing of Environment 87(4)470-481.

White, A.B. 2003. The Ordway Campus: From Victorian mansion to ‘green’ building. Woods Hole Research Center, Woods Hole, MA.

Woods Hole Research Center. 2003. Annual Report 2002. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Research Center.

Woods Hole Research Center. 2003. First “Amazon Scenarios” User Meeting. Woods Hole Research Center, 25-26 Sept., Woods Hole, MA. CD-ROM.

Woods Hole Research Center. 2003. Science in a Crowded World: Hour I: Buildings for a New Century; Hour II: Science and the Public Interest. Symposium, 6 June. 2 CD set. Woods Hole Research Center.

Woodwell, G.M. 2003. Letter to the Editor. The Enterprise. Falmouth, MA. 4 April.

Woodwell, G.M. 2003. World Enough and Time? Conservation Biology (17)2:1-2.



Aber, J.D., S.V. Ollinger, C.T. Driscoll, G.E. Likens, R.T. Holmes, R. Freuder, and C.L. Goodale. 2002. Inorganic N losses from forested ecosystems in response to physical, chemical, biotic and climatic perturbations. Ecosystems 5(7):648-658.

Alencar, A., D. Nepstad, and G. Carvalho. 2002. Timber industry follows the path of least resistance. Environment 44(3):42.

Almeida, O., K. Lorenzen, and D. McGrath. 2002. Commercial fishing in the Brazilian Amazon: regional differentiation in fleet characteristics and efficiency. Fisheries Management and Ecology 9:1-7.

Borken, W., Y.-J. Xu, E.A. Davidson, and F. Besse. 2002. Site and temporal variation of soil respiration in European beech, Norway spruce, and Scots pine forests. Global Change Biology 8(1205-1216).

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