Staff Publications: 2005 – 2009

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(* indicates publication is in Portuguese, ** indicates French)

2009   |   2008   |   2007   |   2006   |   2005



Baccini, A., N. Laporte, S.J. Goetz, M. Sun, W. Walker, J. Kellndorfer, R.A. Houghton.  2009. Pan-tropical forest carbon mapped with satellite and field observations. A Report for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Conference of the Parties (COP), Fifteenth session and Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP), Fifth session and sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies, 7-18 December 2009, Cophenagen, Denmark. Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA. November.

Barra Martínez, F.P., A. Centellas Quezada, P. Zuidema, and I.F. Brown. 2009. Detection of Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa) in the Bolivian Amazon via satellite imagery. Anais XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Natal, Brasil, 25-30 April. INPE. 2547-2554.

Bergen, K.M., S.J. Goetz, R.O. Dubayah, G.M. Henebry, C.T. Hunsaker, M.L. Imhoff, R.F. Nelson, G.G. Parker, and V.C. Radeloff. 2009. Remote sensing of vegetation 3-D structure for biodiversity and habitat: Review and implications for lidar and radar spaceborne missions.  Journal of Geophysical Research 114 G00E06, doi:10.1029/2008JG000883.

Brown, I.F. 2009. Reduction of Disaster Risk as a Means of Development. Op-Ed. A Gazeta Rio Branco. 1 August C1-7.

Brown, I.F., M. Silveira, and E. Mendoza. 2009. REDD, Climate and the Vulnerable Forests of Southwestern Amazonia. Op-Ed. A Gazeta Rio Branco. 28 May C1-2.

Busch, J., B. Strassbourg, A. Cattaneo, R. Luboski, A. Bruner, R. Rice, A. Creed, R. Ashton, and F. Boltz. 2009. Comparing climate and cost impacts of reference levels for reducing emissions from deforestation. Environmental Research Letters 4:044006. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/044006

Canadell, J.G., M.R. Raupach, and R.A. Houghton. 2009. Anthropogenic CO2 emissions in Africa. Biogeosciences 6:463-468.

Clark, C.J., J.R. Poulsen, R. Malonga, and P.W. Elkan, Jr. 2009. Logging Concessions Can Extend the Conservation Estate for Central African Tropical Forests. Conservation Biology 23(5):1281–1293. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01243.x

Coe, M.T., M.H. Costa, and B.S. Soares-Filho. 2009. The Influence of Historical and Potential Future Deforestation on the Stream Flow of the Amazon River – Land Surface Processes and Atmospheric Feedbacks. Journal of Hydrology. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.02.043

Costa, M.H., M.T. Coe, and J-L Guyot. 2009. Effects of Climatic Variability and Deforestation on Surface Water Regimes. In Amazonia and Global Change. American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series, V. 186. Ed. M. Keller, M. Bustamante, J. Gash, and P. Silva Dias. 576 pp.

Crump, B.C., B.J. Peterson, P.A. Raymond, R.M.W. Amon, A. Rinehart, J.W. McClelland, and R.M. Holmes.  2009.  Circumpolar synchrony in big river bacterioplankton.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi/10.1073/pnas.0906149106.

Davidson, E.A. 2009. The contribution of manure and fertilizer nitrogen to atmospheric nitrous oxide since 1860. Nature Geoscience September doi:10.1038/ngeo608

Davidson, E.A., and N.M. Holbrook. 2009. Is temporal variation of soil respiration linked to the phenology of photosynthesis? In Phenology of Ecosystem Processes, ed. A. Noormets, 187-199. New York: Springer.

Davidson, E.A., and L.A. Martinelli. 2009. Nutrient limitations to secondary forest regrowth. In Amazonia and Global Change, ed. M. Keller, M. Bustamante, J. Gash, and P. Silva Dias, 299-310. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.

Ferreira, J., C. Bustamante, and E.A. Davidson. 2009. Linking woody species diversity with plant available water at a landscape scale in a Brazilian savanna. Journal of Vegetation Science 20:826–835.

Fonseca, P.A.M., I.F. Brown,  H.L. Fuentes Ney, N. Dantas, E. Raez Luna, A.W. Flores de Melo, and F. Quental. 2009.  Monitoring hot pixels, fire risk, rainfall and weather forecasting in southwestern Amazonia: the experience of daily bulletins for the MAP Region (Madre de Dios-Peru, Acre-Brazil, Pando-Bolívia). Anais XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Natal, Brasil, 25-30 April. INPE. 5227-5233.

Gloor, M., O.L. Phillips, J.J. Lloyd, S.L. Lewis, Y. Malhi, T.R. Baker, G. López-Gonzalez, J. Peacock, S. Almeida, A.C. Alves de Oliveira, E. Alvarez, I. Amaral, L. Arroyo, G. Aymard, O. Bank, L. Blanc, D. Bonal, P. Brando, K.-J. Chao, J. Chave, N. Dávila, T. Erwin, J. Silva, A. DiFiore, T.R. Feldpausch, A. Freitas, R. Herrera, N. Higuchi, E. Honorio, E. Jiménez, T. Killeen, W. Laurance, C. Mendoza, A. Monteagudo, A. Andrade, D. Neill, D. Nepstad, P. Núñez Vargas, M.C. Peñuela, A. Peña Cruz, A Prieto, N. Pitnam, C. Quesada, R. Salomão, M. Silveira, M. Schwarz, J. Stropp, F. Ramírez, H. Ramírez, A. Rudas, H. ter Steege, N. Silva, A. Torres, J. Terborgh, R. Vásquez, and G. van der Heijden. 2009. Does the disturbance hypothesis explain the biomass increase in basin-wide Amazon forest plot data? Global Change Biology, 15(10):2418–2430. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01891.x

Goetz, S. 2009. Thawing, browning, burning—the boreal forest of the 21st century.  Book review. Ecology 90(7):2021–2022.

Goetz, S.J., and P.S.A. Beck. 2009. Recent changes in boreal and Arctic vegetation and their feedbacks to the climate system. iLEAPS Newsletter 8:16-19.

Goetz, S.J., A. Baccini, N.T. Laporte, T. Johns, W. Walker, J. Kellndorfer, R.A. Houghton, and M. Sun. 2009. Mapping and monitoring carbon stocks with satellite observations: a comparison of methods. Carbon Balance and Management 4:2.

Goetz, S. J., P. Jantz, and C.A. Jantz. 2009. Connectivity of core habitat in the Northeastern United States: Parks and protected areas in a landscape context. Remote Sensing of Environment 113:1421–1429.

Graham, C.H., and S.J. Goetz. 2009. Remote sensing and geographic information systems. In The Princeton Guide to Ecology, ed. S. Levin, 79-86. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Gross, J.E., S.J. Goetz, and J. Cihlar. 2009. Application of remote sensing to parks and protected area monitoring: Introduction to the special issue. Remote Sensing of Environment 113:1343–1345.

Holmes, R.M., K.E. Frey, and S. Zimov. 2009. A field course in the Siberian Arctic: 30 days, 20 people, 3 continents, 1 barge.  EOS 90:222-223.

Houghton, R.A. 2009. Terrestrial carbon and biogeochemical cycles. In The Princeton Guide to Ecology, ed. S. Levin, 340-346. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Houghton, R.A., F. Hall, and S.J. Goetz. 2009.  Importance of biomass in the global carbon cycle. Journal of Geophysical Research 114, G00E03, doi:10.1029/2009JG000935.

Houghton, R.A., M. Gloor, J. Lloyd, and C. Potter. 2009. The regional carbon budget. In Amazonia and Global Change, Geophysical Monograph Series 186, ed. M. Keller, M. Bustamante, J. Gash, and P.S. Dias, 409-428. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.

Jantz, C.A., S.J. Goetz, D. Donato, and P. Claggett. 2009. Designing and implementing a regional urban modeling system using the SLEUTH cellular urban model. Computers, Environment and Urban Systemsdoi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2009.08.003

Kellndorfer, J.M., and K.C. McDonald. 2009. Active and Passive Microwave Systems. In The SAGE Handbook of Remote Sensing, ed. T.A. Warner, M.D. Nellis, and G.M. Foody, 179-199. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Le Quéré, C., M.R. Raupach, J.G. Canadell, G. Marland, L. Bopp, P. Ciais, T.J. Conway, S.C. Doney, R.A. Feely, P. Foster, P. Friedlingstein, K. Gurney, R.A. Houghton, J.I. House, C. Huntingford, P.E. Levy, M.R. Lomas, J. Majkut, N. Metzl, J.P. Ometto, G.P. Peters, I.C. Prentice, J.T. Randerson, S.W. Running, J.L. Sarmiento, U. Schuster, S. Sitch, T. Takahashi, N. Viovy, G.R. van der Werf, and F.I. Woodward. 2009. Trends in the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide. Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/ngeo689

Loranty, M. 2009. Taking the Pulse of the Forest. LiveScience March.

Malhi, Y. and E.A. Davidson. 2009. Biogeochemistry and ecology of terrestrial ecosystems of Amazonia. In Amazonia and Global Change, ed. M. Keller, M. Bustamante, J. Gash, and P. Silva Dias, 293-298. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.

*Martins, O. S., A. Alencar, C. Stickler, P. Moutinho, R. Rettmann, E. Pinto, and  I. de Castro. 2009. Pavimentando o caminho do REDD na Amazônia Brasileira. (Paving the REDD Road in the Brazilian Amazon.) IPAM.

Meir, P., P.M. Brando, D. Nepstad, S. Vansconcelos, A.C.L. Costa, E. Davidson, S. Almeida, R.A. Fisher, E.D. Sotta, D. Zarin, and G. Cardinot. 2009. The effects of drought on Amazonian rain forests. In Amazonia and Global Change, Ed. M. Keller, M. Bustamante, J. Gash, and P. Silva Dias, 429-449. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.

Nepstad, D.  B.S. Soares-Filho, F. Merry, A. Lima, P. Moutinho, J. Carter, M. Bowman, A. Cattaneo, H. Rodrigues, S. Schwartzman, D.G. McGrath, C.M. Stickler, R. Lubowski, P. Piris-Cabezas, S. Rivero, A. Alencar, O. Almeida, and O. Stella. 2009. The End of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Science 326:1350-1351.

Pantoja, N.V., and I.F. Brown. 2009. Estimates of areas affected by fire in eastern Acre associated with the 2005 drought. Anais XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Natal, Brasil, 25-30 April. INPE. 6029-6036.

Poulsen, J.R., C.J. Clark, G. Mavah, and P.W. Elkan. 2009.  Bushmeat Supply and Consumption in a Tropical Logging Concession in Northern Congo. Conservation Biology 23(6):1597–1608.

Savage, K.E., E.A. Davidson, A. Richardson, and D.Y. Hollinger. 2009. Three scales of temporal resolution from automated soil respiration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149:2012-2021.

Schwartzman, S., and P. Moutinho. 2009. Amazon Forest and Climate Change: compensating for deforestation Reduction. In Forests and Climate Change. Will Emission Trading Make a Difference? Ed. C. Streck and R. O’ Sullivan. Oxford University Press.

Shimabukuro, Y.E., V. Duarte, E. Arai, R.M. Freitas, A. Lima, D. Valeriano, I.F. Brown, and M.L.R. Maldonado. 2009. Fraction images derived from Terra Modis data for mapping burnt areas in Brazilian Amazonia. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30(6):1537-1546.

*Soares Filho, B., L. Dietzsch, P. Moutinho, A. Falieri, H. Rodrigues, E. Pinto, C. C. Maretti, K. Suassuna, C.A. de M. Scaramuzza, M. Lanna, and F.V. de Araújo. 2009.  Redução das emissões de carbono do desmatamento no Brasil: o papel do programa Áreas Protegidas da Amazônia (ARPA) (Reducing Carbon Emissions from Deforestation: the Role of ARPA’s Protected Areas in the Brazilian Amazon). IPAM.

Stabach, J., L. Dabek, R. Jensen, and Y.Q. Wang. 2009. Discrimination of dominant forest types for Matschie’s tree kangaroo conservation in Papua New Guinea using high resolution remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30(1-2):405-422.

Stabach, J., N. Laporte, and W. Olupot. 2009. Modeling habitat suitability for Grey Crowned-cranes (Balearica regulorum gibbericep) throughout Uganda. Biodiversity and Conservation 1(5):177-186.

Steinberg, D.C., and S.J. Goetz. 2009. Assessment and extension of the MODIS FPAR products in temperate forests of the eastern United States. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30(19):169-187.

Stickler, C.M., D.C. Nepstad, M.T. Coe, D.G. McGrath, H.O. Rodrigues, W.S. Walker, B.S. Soares-Filho, and E.A. Davidson. 2009. The potential ecological costs and cobenefits of REDD: a critical review and case study from the Amazon region. Global Change Biology 15:2803–2824.

Stone, T.A. 2009. The price of CO2. Coastlines. Chamber of Commerce, Falmouth, MA. February; 5.

Stone, T.A. 2009. Avoiding the worst case of climate change. The Cape Cod Times 26 May.

**Tatem, A., S. Goetz, and S. Hay. 2009. Un demi-siècle d’imagerie spatiale. Pour la Science 383:60-65.

Theobald, D.M., S.J. Goetz, J.B. Norman, and P. Jantz. 2009. Watersheds at Risk to Increased Impervious Surface Cover in the Conterminous United States. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 14(4):362-368.

Vasconcelos, S.S., I.F. Brown, and P. Fearnside. 2009. Hot pixels in southwestern Amazonia: indicators of land use change. Anais XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Natal, Brasil, 25-30 April. INPE. 6353-6360.

Whitcomb, J., M. Moghaddam, K. McDonald, J. Kellndorfer, and E. Podest. 2009. Mapping Wetlands of Alaska Using L-Band Satellite Radar Imagery. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 35:54-72.

Woodwell, G.M. 2009. Forests at their limit: one scientist’s ground-level view. Washington Monthly July/August A23.

Zhang, K., J.S. Kimball, Q. Mub, L.A. Jones, S.J. Goetz, and S.W. Running. 2009. Satellite based analysis of northern ET trends and associated changes in the regional water balance from 1983 to 2005. Journal of Hydrology 379:92–110. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.09.047



*Almeida, O. T., D. McGrath, S. Rivero and K. Lorenzen. 2008.  Impacto del co-manejo pesquero sobre la pesca en la Amazonia brasileña: caracterización, análisis multiagentes e interacciones.  In El Manejo de las Pesquerías en Ríos Tropicales de Sudamérica El Manejo de las Pesquerías en Ríos Tropicales de Sudamérica, ed. D. Pinedo and C. Soria, 323-333. Instituto del Bien Común and IDRC, Lima, Peru.

Baccini, A., N. Laporte, S.J. Goetz, M. Sun, and H. Dong. 2008. A first map of tropical Africa’s above-ground biomass derived from satellite imagery. Environmental Research Letters (3)045011 doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/3/4/045011

Balch, J.K., D.C. Nepstad, P.M. Brando, L.C. Curran, O. Portela, O. de Carvalho Jr., and P.  Lefebvre. 2008. Negative fire feedback in a transitional forest of Southeastern Amazonia. Global Change Biology 14(10):2276-2287.

Beck, P.S.A., T.J. Wang, A.K. Skidmore, and X.H. Liu. 2008. Displaying remotely sensed vegetation dynamics along natural gradients for ecological studies. International Journal of Remote Sensing 29(14):4277-4283.

Bowman, M.S., G.S. Amacher, and F.D. Merry. 2008. Fire use and prevention by traditional households in the Brazilian Amazon. Ecological Economics March.

Brando, P.M., D.C. Nepstad, E.A. Davidson, S.E. Trumbore, D. Ray, P. Camargo. 2008. Drought effects on litterfall, wood production, and belowground carbon cycling in an Amazon forest: results of a throughfall reduction experiment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 363:1839-1848.

Brown, I.F. 2008. Learning to question: the roles of multiple hypotheses, successive approximations, balloons and toilet paper in university science programs of southwestern Amazonia. Journal of Science, Education & Technology 13 March.

Cattaneo, A. 2008. Regional Comparative Advantage, Location of Agriculture, and Deforestation in Brazil. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 27(1-2):25-42.

Clark, W.C., T. Vautin, J.P. Holdren, et al. 2008. Report of the Harvard University Task Force on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Office of the President of Harvard University. June.

Cooper, L.W., J.W. McClelland, R.M. Holmes, P.A. Raymond, J.J. Gibson, C.K. Guay, and B.J. Peterson.  2008.  Flow-weighted values of runoff tracers (d18O, DOC, Ba, alkalinity) from the six largest arctic rivers.Geophysical Research Letters L18606, doi:10.1029/2008GL035007.

Davidson, E.A., B.D. Dail, and J. Chorover. 2008. Iron interference in the quantification of nitrate in soil extracts and its effect on hypothesized abiotic immobilization of nitrate. Biogeochemistry 90:65–73.

Davidson, E.A., D.C. Nepstad, F.Y. Ishida, and P.M. Bando. 2008. Effects of an experimental drought and recovery on soil emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and nitric oxide in a moist tropical forest. Global Change Biology 14: 2582–2590.

Davidson, E.A., T.D.D. Sá, C.J.R. Carvalho, R.D. Figueiredo, M.D.A. Kato, O.R. Kato, and F.Y. Ishida. 2008. An integrated greenhouse gas assessment of an alternative to slash-and-burn agriculture in eastern Amazonia. Global Change Biology 14:998-1007.

Davidson, E.A., G.P. Asner, T.A. Stone, C. Neill, and R.O. Figueiredo. 2008. Objective indicators of pasture degradation from spectral mixture analysis of Landsat imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research 113: G00B03.

DeFries, R.S., D.C. Morton, G.R. van der Werf, L. Giglio, G.J. Collatz, J.T. Randerson, R.A. Houghton, P.K. Kasibhatla, and Y. Shimabukuro. 2008. Fire-related carbon emissions from land use transitions in southern Amazonia. Geophysical Research Letters 35. L22705, doi:10.1029/2008GL035689.

Devos, C., C. Sanz, D. Morgan, J.R. Onononga, N. Laporte, and M.C. Huynen. 2008. Comparing ape densities and habitats in Northern Congo: surveys of sympatric gorillas and chimpanzees in the Odzala and Ndoki regions. American Journal of Primatology 70:439-451.

Garcia-Montiel, D.C., M.T. Coe, M.P. Cruz, J.N. Ferreira, E.M. da Silva, and E.A. Davidson. 2008. Estimating seasonal changes in volumetric soil water content at landscape scales in a savanna ecosystem using two-dimensional resistivity profiling, Earth Interactions 12(2):1-25.

Goetz, S., and G. Fiske. 2008. Linking the diversity and abundance of stream biota to landscapes in the mid-Atlantic USA. Remote Sensing of Environment 112:4075–4085.

Goetz, S.J., N. Gardiner, and J.H. Viers. 2008. Monitoring freshwater, estuarine and near-shore benthic ecosystems with multi-sensor remote sensing: An introduction to the special issue. Remote Sensing of Environment 112:3993–3995.

Goetz, S., J. Kellndorfer, and T. Johns. 2008. Getting over the satellite blues. Trading Carbon December.

Goetz, S., A. Baccini, N. Laporte, T. Johns, W. Walker, J. Kellndorfer, and R.A. Houghton. 2008.  Mapping and monitoring carbon stocks with satellite observations: an update. A Report for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Conference of the Parties (COP), Fourteenth Session, 1-12 December 2008, Poznan, Poland. Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA. November.

Gómez, A., A.M. Kilpatrick, L.D. Kramer, A.P. Dupuis II, J.G. Maffei, S.J. Goetz, P.P. Marra, P. Daszak, and A.A. Aguirre. 2008. Land use and West Nile Virus seroprevalence in wild mammals. Emerging Infectious Diseases 14(6):962-965.

Goward, S.N., J.G. Masek, W. Cohen, G. Moisen, G.J. Collatz, S. Healey, R.A. Houghton, C. Huang, R. Kennedy, B. Law, S. Powell, D. Turner, and M.A. Wulder. 2008. Forest disturbance and North American carbon flux. Eos 89:105-106.

Hackler, J., and J.P. Holdren. 2008.Walking the talk and walking the walk at the Woods Hole Research Center: Design and performance of an award-winning green headquarters. Journal of Green Building 3(1):3-13.

Hajkowicz, S., K. Collins, and A. Cattaneo. 2008. Review of Agri-Environment Indexes and Stewardship Payments. Environmental Management July.

Holdren, J.P. 2008. Convincing the climate-change skeptics. The Boston Globe 4 August.

Holdren, J.P. 2008. Convincing the skeptics. International Herald Tribune 4 August.

Holdren, J.P. 2008. Presidential Address: Science and Technology for Sustainable Well-Being. Science 319:424-434.

Holdren, J.P. 2008. The Future of Climate Change Policy: The U.S.’s Last Chance to Lead. Scientific American 2008 Earth 3.0 Supplement 13 October:20-21.

Holdren, J. P., and G.M. Woodwell. 2008. Meeting Cape Cod’s Environmental Challenges. The Enterprise (Falmouth, MA) Green Special Supplement. September.

Holmes, R.M., J.W. McClelland, P.A. Raymond, B.B. Frazer, B.J. Peterson, and M. Stieglitz. 2008. Lability of DOC transported by Alaskan rivers to the Arctic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters 35. doi:10.1029/2007GL032837.

Houghton, R.A. 2008. Biomass. In Encyclopedia of Ecology, 1st Edition, ed. S.E. Jorgensen and B.D. Fath, 448-453. Elsevier, Oxford.

Houghton, R.A. 2008. Sinks, sinks, and more sinks. Ecology 89(1):292-293.

Houghton, R.A. 2008. Carbon flux to the atmosphere from land-use changes. In TRENDS: A Compendium of Data on Global Change. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN.

Houghton, R.A., and S.J. Goetz. 2008. New satellites help quantify carbon sources and sinks. Eos 89(43)417-432.

Ito, A., J.E. Penner, M.J. Prather, C.P. de Campos, R.A. Houghton, T. Kato, A.K. Jain, X. Yang, G.C. Hurtt, S. Frolking, M.G. Fearon, L.P. Chini, A. Wang, and D.T. Price. 2008. Can we reconcile differences in estimates of carbon fluxes from land-use change and forestry for the 1990s? Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 8:3291-3310.

Jantz, P., and S.J. Goetz. 2008. Using widely available geospatial data sets to assess the influence of roads and buffers on habitat core areas and connectivity. Natural Areas Journal 28(3):261-274.

Johns, T., F. Merry, C. Stickler, D. Nepstad, N. Laporte, and S. Goetz. 2008. A three-fund approach to incorporating government, public and private forest stewards into a REDD funding mechanism. International Forestry Review 10(3):458-464.

Khosla, V.; T.D. Searchinger, and R.A. Houghton. 2008. Biofuels: Clarifying Assumptions. Letters. Science 322: 371-374.

**Laporte, N., F. Merry, A. Baccini, S. Goetz, J. Stabach, and M. Bowman. 2008. Réduire les emissions de CO2 du déboisement et de la degradation dans la République Démocratique du Congo: Un premier aperçu (Reducing CO2 Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A First Look). Un réport préparé pour le treizième session de la Conférence des Parties (COP 13) de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC). Falmouth, MA: Woods Hole Research Center.

Laporte, N., W. Walker, J. Stabach, and F. Landsberg. 2008. Monitoring forest-savanna dymanics in Kibale National Park with satellite imagery (1989-2003): implications for the management of wildlife habitat. In Science and Conservation in African Forests: The Benefits of Long-Term Research, ed. R. Wrangham and E. Ross, 38-50. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Marengo, J.A., C.A. Nobre, J. Tomasella, M.D. Oyama, G.S. Oliveira, R. Oliveira, H. Camargo, L.M. Alves, and I.F. Brown. 2008. The Drought of Amazonia in 2005.Journal of Climate 21(3):495-516.

Martelo, J, K. Lorenzen, M. Crossa, and D.G. McGrath. 2008. Habitat associations of exploited fish species in the Lower Amazon river–floodplain system. Freshwater Biology 53:2455–2464.

McClelland, J.W., R.M. Holmes, B.J. Peterson, R. Amon, T. Brabets, L. Cooper, J. Gibson, V. Gordeev, C. Guay, D. Milburn, R. Staples, P.A. Raymond, I. Shiklomanov, R. Striegl, A. Zhulidov, and T. Gurtovaya. 2008. Development of a Pan-Arctic Database for River Chemistry. EOS 89(24):217-218.

*McGrath, D.G., A. Cardoso, and O.T. Almeida. 2008. Evolución de un sistema de co-manejo de pesquerías en la llanura inundable de la baja Amazonia.  In El Manejo de las Pesquerías en Ríos Tropicales de Sudamérica El Manejo de las Pesquerías en Ríos Tropicales de Sudamérica, ed. D. Pinedo and C. Soria, 357-382. Instituto del Bien Común and IDRC, Lima, Peru.

Morehouse, K., T. Johns, J. Kaye, and M. Kaye. 2008. Carbon and nitrogen cycling immediately following bark beetle outbreaks in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management 255:2698-2708.

Nepstad, D.C., and C.M. Stickler. 2008. Managing the tropical agriculture revolution. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 27(1-2):43-56.

Nepstad, D.C., C.M. Stickler, B. Soares-Filho, and F. Merry. 2008. Interactions among Amazon land use, forests and climate: prospects for a near-term forest tipping point. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.  doi:10.1098/rstb.2007.0036

Plumptre, A.J., G. Picton Phillips, J. Stabach, N. Laporte, E. Ourum, S. Ayebare, R. Grosch, R. Knox, and T. Akuguzibwe. 2008. Modeling Factors that Predict the Distribution and Density of Ungulate Species in the Queen Elizabeth National Park: Preliminary Findings. Falmouth, MA: Woods Hole Research Center.

Salimon, C.I., and E.A. Davidson. 2008. Heterotrophic components of soil respiration in forests and pastures of southwestern Amazonia, Acre, Brazil. Revista Ambiente e Água 3:20-27.

Samanta, S., M.K. Clayton, D.S. Mackay, E.L. Kruger, and B.E. Ewers. 2008. Quantitative comparison of canopy conductance models using a Bayesian approach. Water Resources Research 44 W09431, doi:10.1029/2007WR006761.

Savage, K., E.A. Davidson, and A.D. Richardson. 2008. A conceptual and practical approach to data quality and analysis procedures for high frequency soil respiration measurements. Functional Ecology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2008.01414.x.

Searchinger, T., R. Heimlich, R.A. Houghton, F. Dong, A. Elobeid, J. Fabiosa, S. Tokgoz, D. Hayes, and T-H. Yu. 2008. Use of U.S. Croplands for Biofuels Increases Greenhouse Gases Through Emissions from Land Use Change. Science Express Reports 7 February. DOI: 10.1126/science.1151861.

Soares Filho, B.S., L. Dietzsch, P. Moutinho, A. Falieri, H. Rodrigues, E. Pinto, C.C. Maretti, K. Suassuna, C.A.deM. Scaramuzza, M. Lanna, and F.V. de Araújo. 2008. Reducing carbon emissions from deforestation: the role of ARPA’s protected Areas in the Brazilian Amazon. IPAM, Belém, Brazil.

*Stickler, C.M., and O.T. Almeida. 2008. Aproveitar o financiamento internacional para controlar a explosão agro-industrial na Amazônia? O estudo de caso do financiamento da Corporação Financeira Internacional para o Grupo Maggi. Cadernos NAEA 11(1):51-84.

Stickler, C.M., and O.T. Almeida. 2008. Harnessing international finance to manage the Amazon agro-industrial explosion? The case of International Finance Corporation loans to Grupo Maggi. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 27(1-2): 57-86.

Stickler, C.M., J.M. Kellndorfer, W.S. Walker, B.S. Soares-Filho, H.O. Rodrigues, and L. Dietzsch. 2008. Forest carbon monitoring and landscape modeling in support of REDD: The Xingu River headwaters of the SE Amazon. Presented at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP), 14th Session. 1-12 December. Poznan, Poland.

Stickler, C.M., D.C. Nepstad, O.T. Almeida, F. Merry, B.S. Soares-Filho, L. Dietzsch, H.O. Rodrigues, M.S. Bowman, and W.S. Walker. 2008. Compensating rural property owners for compliance with the Forest Code in the Brazilian Amazon: the case of the Xingu River headwaters region. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Ecológica 18:18-22.

Stickler, C.M., D.C. Nepstad, B.S. Soares-Filho, H.O. Rodrigues, F. Merry, M.S. Bowman, W.S. Walker, J.M. Kellndorfer, O.T. Almeida. 2008. The opportunity costs of reducing carbon emissions in an Amazonian agroindustrial region: the Xingu River headwaters. A paper prepared for and presented at the 2008 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, 22-23 February. Berlin.

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Torres-Cañabate, P.,  E.A. Davidson, E. Bulygina, R. García-Ruiz, and J.A. Carreira. 2008. Abiotic immobilization of nitrate in two soils of relic Abies pinsapo-fir forests under Mediterranean climate. Biogeochemistry 91:1-11.

Vano, J.A., J.A. Foley, C.J. Kucharik, and M.T. Coe. 2008. Controls of climatic variability and land cover on land surface hydrology of northern Wisconsin, USA.  Journal of  Geophysical Research 113, G04040, doi:10.1029/2007JG000681.

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Canadell, J.G., C. Le Quéré, M.R. Raupach, C.B. Field, E.T. Buitenhuis, P. Ciais, T.J. Conway, N.P. Gillett, R.A. Houghton, and G. Marland. 2007. Contributions to accelerating atmospheric CO2 growth from economic activity, carbon intensity, and efficiency of natural sinks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104:18866-18870.

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Coe, M.T., M.H. Costa, and E.A. Howard. 2007. Simulating the surface waters of the Amazon River Basin: Impacts of new river geomorphic and dynamic flow parameterizations. Hydrologic Processes 21. doi:10.1002/hyp.6850.

Davidson, E.A. 2007. Dirt cheap soil. Nature 447:777-778.

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Gallagher, K.S., G. Collantes, J.P. Holdren, H. Lee, and R. Frosch. 2007. Policy Options for Reducing Oil Consumption and Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from the U.S. Transportation Sector. Energy Technology Innovation Project Discussion Paper, Belfer Center, John F. Kennedy School of Government, 27 July.

Goetz, S. 2007. Crisis in Earth observation. Science 315(5820):1767.

Goetz, S.J., C.A. Jantz, and N.E. Bockstael. 2007. Modeling the urbanization process across Maryland in the context of Chesapeake Bay restoration. In Smart Growth at Ten, ed. J.W. Frece. Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, Cambridge, MA.

Goetz, S.J., S.D. Prince, and C.A. Jantz. 2007. Satellite maps of the Chesapeake watershed help to monitor urban sprawl. Chesapeake Bay Journal 17(4):20.

Goetz, S.J., D. Steinberg, R. Dubayah, and B. Blair. 2007. Laser remote sensing of canopy habitat heterogeneity as a predictor of bird species richness in an eastern temperate forest, USA. Remote Sensing of Environment 108:254-263.

Goetz, S.J., M.C. Mack, K.R. Gurney, J.T. Randerson, and R.A. Houghton. 2007. Ecosystem responses to recent climate change and fire disturbance at northern high latitudes: observations and model results contrasting northern Eurasia and North America. Environmental Research Letters 2:045031. (Selected among ERL‘s Best of 2007 papers.)

Gullison, R.E., P.C. Frumhoff, J.G. Canadell, C.B. Field, D.C. Nepstad, K. Hayhoe, R. Avissar, L. M. Curran, P. Friedlingstein, C.D. Jones, and C. Nobre. 2007. Tropical Forests and Climate Policy. Science 316:985-986.

Hanson, P.C., S.R. Carpenter, J.A. Cardille, M.T. Coe, and L.A. Winslow. 2007. Small lakes dominate a random sample of regional lake characteristics. Freshwater Biology 52:814-822.

Holdren, J.P. 2007. Energy and sustainability. Science 315:737.

Holdren, J.P. 2007. Climate change: The sky is falling. An Interview. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists January-February 40-45.

Holdren, J.P. 2007. Threats to Civil Nuclear-Energy Facilities. In Science and Technology to Counter Terrorism: Proceedings of an Indo-U.S. Workshop, 61-70. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

Holdren, J.P., et al. 2007. The Crisis in Earth Observation from Space. Statement by the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 28 April.

Holdren, J.P., W.K. Reilly, Co-Chair; J.W. Rowe, Co-Chair; P.R. Sharp, Congressional Co-Chair; J. Grumet, Executive Director; M. Tatsutani, Editor; et al. 2007. Energy Policy Recommendations to the President and the 110 th Congress.National Commission on Energy Policy, 19 April.

Houghton, R.A. 2007. Balancing the global carbon budget. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 35:313-347.

Houghton, R.A. 2007. The Carbon Cycle in Land and Water Systems. In The First State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR): The North American Carbon Budget and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle. A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, ed. A.W. King, L. Dilling, G.P. Zimmerman, D.M. Fairman, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, A.Z. Rose, and T.J. Wilbanks, 103-106. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.

Houghton, R.A., D. Butman, A.G. Bunn, O.N. Krankina, P. Schlesinger, and T.A. Stone. 2007. Mapping Russian forest biomass with data from satellites and forest inventories. Environmental Research Letters 2: 045032.

Jantz, C.A., and S.J. Goetz. 2007. Can smart growth save the Chesapeake Bay? Journal of Green Building 2(3):41-51.

Keller, M., G.P. Asner, G. Blate, J. McGlocklin, F. Merry, M. Peña-Claros, and J. Zweede. 2007. Timber production in selectively logged tropical forests in South America. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5(4):213-216.

Kellndorfer, J., W. Walker, K. Kirsch, D. Nepstad, N. Laporte, C. Stickler, P. Lefebvre, M. Shimada, and A. Rosenqvist. 2007. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): New Eyes in the Sky – Cloud-Free Tropical Forest Monitoring for REDD with the Japanese Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS). A Report for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP), Thirteenth Session, 3-14 December 2007, Bali, Indonesia. Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA.

King, A.W., L. Dilling, G.P. Zimmerman, D.M. Fairman, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, A.Z. Rose, and T.J. Wilbanks. 2007. Preface. In The First State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR): The North American Carbon Budget and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle. A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, ed. A.W. King, L. Dilling, G.P. Zimmerman, D.M. Fairman, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, A.Z. Rose, and T.J. Wilbanks, XIII-XVIII. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.

King, A.W., L. Dilling, G.P. Zimmerman, D.M. Fairman, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, A.Z. Rose, and T.J. Wilbanks. 2007. Executive Summary. In The First State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR): The North American Carbon Budget and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle. A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, ed. A.W. King, L. Dilling, G.P. Zimmerman, D.M. Fairman, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, A.Z. Rose, and T.J. Wilbanks, XIII-XVIII. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.

King, A.W., L. Dilling, G.P. Zimmerman, D.M. Fairman, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, A.Z. Rose, and T.J. Wilbanks. 2007. What Is the Carbon Cycle and Why Care? In The First State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR): The North American Carbon Budget and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle . A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, ed. A.W. King, L. Dilling, G.P. Zimmerman, D.M. Fairman, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, A.Z. Rose, and T.J. Wilbanks, 15-20. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.

Laporte, N.T., J. A. Stabach, R. Grosch, T.S. Lin, and S.J. Goetz. 2007. Expansion of Industrial Logging in Central Africa. Science 316:1451.

Laporte, N., F. Merry, A. Baccini, S. Goetz, J. Stabach, and M. Bowman. 2007. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): Reducing CO2 Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in the Democratic Republic of Congo – A First Look. A Report for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP), Thirteenth Session, 3-14 December 2007, Bali, Indonesia. Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA.

Li, K.Y., M.T. Coe, N. Ramankutty, and R. De Jong. 2007. Modeling the hydrological impact of land-use change in West Africa. Journal of Hydrology 337:258-268.

McClelland, J.W., M. Stieglitz, F. Pan, R.M. Holmes, and B.J. Peterson. 2007. Recent changes in nitrate and dissolved organic carbon export from the upper Kuparuk River, North Slope, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research 112 G04S60 doi:10.1029/2006JG000371.

McGrath, D.G., O.T. Almeida, and F.D. Merry. 2007. The Influence of Community Management Agreements on Household Economic Strategies: Cattle Grazing and Fishing Agreements on the Lower Amazon Floodplain. International Journal of the Commons 1(1):67-87.

Mendoza, E., S. Perz, A. Chávez, G. Cullman, A, Duchelle, J. Luzar, M. Marsik, G. Alarcón, I.F. Brown, et al. 2007. The ‘Knowledge Exchange Train’: a model for capacity building for participatory governance in the south-western Amazon. Development in Practice 17(6):791-799.

Nepstad, D. 2007. Climate change and the forest. Special Report The American Prospect September.

Nepstad, D. 2007. The Amazon’s Vicious Cycles. Drought and fire in the greenhouse. Ecological and climatic tipping points of the world’s largest tropical rainforest and practical preventative measures. World Wildlife Fund. A Report for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP), Thirteenth Session, 3-14 December 2007, Bali, Indonesia.

Nepstad, D.C., I.M. Tohver, D. Ray, P. Moutinho, and G. Cardinot. 2007. Mortality of large trees and lianas following experimental drought in an Amazon Forest. Ecology 88(9):2259-2269.

*Nepstad, D.C., O. Carvalho, Jr., J. Carter, A. Moita, V. Neu, and G. Cardinot. 2007. Manejo e Recuperação de Mata Ciliar em Regiões Florestais da Amazônia. (Management and recuperation of riparian zone forests of Amazon forest regions). Belém, Brazil: Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM), 68 p.

Nepstad, D., B. Soares-Filho, F. Merry, P. Moutinho, A. Rodrigues, S. Schwartzman, O. Almeida, and S. Rivero. 2007. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): The Costs and Benefits of Reducing Carbon Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in the Brazilian Amazon. A Report for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP), Thirteenth Session, 3-14 December 2007, Bali, Indonesia. Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA.

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Pacala, S., R.A. Birdsey, S.D. Bridgham, R.T. Conant, K. Davis, B. Hales, R.A. Houghton, J.C. Jenkins, M. Johnston, G. Marland, and K. Paustian. 2007. The North American Carbon Budget Past and Present. In The First State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR): The North American Carbon Budget and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle. A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, ed. A.W. King, L. Dilling, G.P. Zimmerman, D.M. Fairman, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, A.Z. Rose, and T.J. Wilbanks, 29-36. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC.

Ramankutty, N., H.K. Gibbs, F. Achard, R. DeFries, J.A. Foley, and R.A. Houghton. 2007. Challenges to estimating carbon emissions from tropical deforestation. Global Change Biology 13:51-66.

Raven, P., R. Bierbaum, J.P. Holdren, M. MacCracken, R. Moss, et al. 2007. Confronting climate change: Avoiding the unmanageable and managing the unavoidable. Sigma Xi / United Nations Foundation Scientific Expert Group on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. 27 February.

Raymond, P.A., J.W. McClelland, R.M. Holmes, A.V. Zhulidov, K. Mull, B.J. Peterson, R.G. Striegl, G.R. Aiken, and T.Y. Gurtovaya. 2007. Flux and age of dissolved organic carbon exported to the Arctic Ocean: A carbon isotopic study of the five largest arctic rivers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21 GB4011 doi:10.1029/2007GB002934.

Saatchi, S.S., R.A. Houghton, R.C. Dos Santos Alvalá, J.V. Soares, and Y. Yu. 2007. Distribution of aboveground live biomass in the Amazon basin. Global Change Biology 13(4):816-837.

Schwartzman, S., D. Nepstad, and P. Moutinho. 2007. Getting REDD Right. A Report for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP), Thirteenth Session, 3-14 December 2007, Bali, Indonesia.

Stickler, C., M. Coe, D. Nepstad, G. Fiske, and P. Lefebvre. 2007. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): Readiness for REDD – A Preliminary Global Assessment of Tropical Forested Land Suitability for Agriculture. A Report for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP), Thirteenth Session, 3-14 December 2007, Bali, Indonesia. Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA.

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Stone, T. 2007. States start chipping at greenhouse gases. The Cape Cod Times 28 September.

Thieme, M., B. Lehner, R. Abell, S.K. Hamilton, J. Kellndorfer, G. Powell, et al. 2007. Freshwater conservation planning in data-poor areas: An example from a remote Amazonian basin (Madre de Dios River, Peru and Bolivia). Biological Conservation 135(4):484-501.

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Walker, W.S., J.M. Kellndorfer, and L.E. Pierce. 2007. Quality assessment of SRTM C- and X-band interferometric data: Implications for the retrieval of vegetation canopy height. Remote Sensing of Environment 106(4):428-448.

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Azevedo-Ramos, C., B.D. do Amaral, D.C. Nepstad, B. Soares Filho, and R. Nasi. 2006. Integrating ecosystem management, protected areas, and mammal conservation in the Brazilian Amazon. Ecology and Society 11(2):17.

Borken, W., K. Savage, E.A. Davidson, and S. Trumbore. 2006. Effects of experimental drought on soil respiration and radiocarbon efflux from a temperate forest soil. Global Change Biology 12:177-193.

Borken, W., E.A. Davidson, K.E. Savage, E.T. Sundquist, and P. Steudler. 2006. Effect of summer throughfall exclusion, summer drought, and winter snow cover on methane fluxes in a temperate forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38:1388-1395.

Bradley, B.A., R.A. Houghton, J.F. Mustard, and S.P. Hamburg. 2006. Invasive grass reduces aboveground carbon stocks in shrublands of the Western US. Global Change Biology 12:1815-1822.

Brando, P., D. Ray, D. Nepstad, G. Cardinot, L.M. Curran, and R. Oliveira. 2006. Effects of partial throughfall exclusion on the phenology of Coussarea racemosa (Rubiaceae) in an east-central Amazon rainforest. Oecologia 150:181-189.

Brown, I.F, W. Schroeder, A. Setzer, M. de Los Rios Maldonado, N. Pantoja, A. Duarte, and J. Marengo. 2006. Monitoring fires in Southwestern Amazonia rain forests. Eos 87(26):253-264.

Bunn, A.G., and S.J. Goetz. 2006. Trends in satellite-observed circumpolar photosynthetic activity from 1982 to 2003: the influence of seasonality, cover type, and vegetation density. Earth Interactions 10:1-19.

Campos, M.T., and D.C. Nepstad. 2006. Smallholders, the Amazon’s new conservationists. Conservation Biology 20(5):1553-1556.

Chapin, F.S., G.M Woodwell, J.T. Randerson, E.B. Rastetter, G.M. Lovett, D.D. Baldocchi, D.A. Clark, M.E. Harmon, D.S. Schimel, R. Valentini, C. Wirth, J.D. Aber, J.J. Cole, M.L. Goulden, J.W. Harden, M. Heimann, R.W. Howarth, P.A. Matson, A.D. McGuire, J.M. Melillo, H.A. Mooney, J.C. Neff, R.A. Houghton, M.L. Pace, M.G. Ryan, S.W. Running, O.E. Sala, W.H. Schlesinger, and E.-D. Schulze. 2006. Reconciling carbon-cycle concepts, terminology, and methods. Ecosystems 9:1041-1050.

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Chhabra, A., H. Geist, R.A. Houghton, H. Haberl, A.K. Braimoh, P.L.G. Vlek, J. Patz, J. Xu, N. Ramankutty, O. Coomes, and E.F. Lambin. 2006. Multiple impacts of land-use/cover change. In Land-Use and Land-Cover Change, ed. E.F. Lambin and H. Geist, 71-116. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

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Davidson , E.A., and S. Seitzinger. 2006. The enigma of progress in denitrification research. Ecological Applications 16(6):2057-2063.

Davidson, E.A., A.D. Richardson, K.E. Savage, and D.Y. Hollinger. 2006. A distinct seasonal pattern of the ratio of soil respiration to total ecosystem respiration in a spruce-dominated forest. Global Change Biology 12:230-239.

Davidson E.A., and I.A. Janssens. 2006. Temperature sensitivity of soil carbon decomposition and feedbacks to climate change. Nature 440(7081):165-173.

Davidson, E.A., I.A. Janssens, and Y. Luo. 2006. On the variability of respiration in terrestrial ecosystems: moving beyond Q10. Global Change Biology 12:154-164.

Davidson, E.A., K.E. Savage, S.E. Trumbore, and W. Borken. 2006. Vertical partitioning of CO2 production within a temperate forest soil. Global Change Biology 12:944-956.

Gallagher, K.S., J.P. Holdren, and A.D. Sagar. 2006. Energy Technology Innovation. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 31:193-237.

Goetz, S.J. 2006. Remote sensing of riparian buffers: past progress and future prospects.Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42:133-144.

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